Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Essay of Bible Women: Bathsheba

The main story I read that really caught my attention was the Bible Women: Bathsheba. In this story, the main character is a female who has an affaire on her husband with King David. It is a bit surprising to consider this a woman role since she did something that people look down upon. But regardless of her actions, Bathsheba was a woman figure. In the story, Bathsheba’s husband had been away to war for a year and she missed having someone around to love her. When the King saw her bathing on the roof one day, he had someone go and fetch Bathsheba to bring her back to the castle. It does not say in the story, however, how voluntary she was to the affair. Not saying she was forced, but times were different back then and having the King ask for you specifically and wanting to have relations is probably hard to say no to. Also, the fact that after she found out her husband had died she was really torn up about it, which makes me think that she wasn’t ever over her husband.

Another theme that is showed by the King is being inspirational and modeling to what not to be.  He not only called this female to have an affaire with him but he also sent her husband to the front lines in the battle so he would die and that the two could marry because he got her pregnant. Since this is in the bible, this is showing morals about marriage and death. It is taboo for one to cheat on their spouses and it is also looked extremely down upon and very illegal to murder someone. As the story continued onto another story it adds that the lord was upset with the King’s actions.

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