Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Storybook Favorites

I have never heard of “Tale of the Traveling Cat” before but the picture really captured me. Being an animal lover, I was of course drawn to a cat in my favorite pair of circle shades. The title itself did a good job on informing me on what the story would be about. The introduction made me want to read more into the story since he is able to time travel and seems to go to a lot of diverse places.

I immediately clicked on the title “I Was a TeenageMythological Creature” not because I knew what the story was but because I am very interested in mythological creatures. I have also recently watched the third season of American Horror story, which has a Minotaur in it. Reading the introduction, I don’t really get a clear image on what the story would be about because it just says there are five contestants and we are reading their diaries. When I first read the title, I thought it would be about humans turning into mythological creatures.

Scanning over more of the Storybooks, I came across the story “The Last of the Seapeople”. What really captured my attention were both the title and the image itself.  I used to watch shows about mermaids and have read and heard of conspiracy theories over the possible existence of mermaids. There have also been films with interesting footage over the topic. I am not saying mermaids are real, but there is some interesting evidence. Because I am an artist, I was immediately drawn to the picture. When I draw, I always draw people and I always shade and rarely color. So this illustration related with my drawing style, making me connect even more closely too it. Out of the three Storybook introductions I read, this one was very informative and related with the title of the story. I would really love to read about this post the most.


  1. I am glad you like the Seapeople Storybook, Renae - that is one from several years ago, but I remember it very well: it is really intense and leaves a lasting impression!

    For the links, you need to make sure you format the links with link text so people know where the link goes; here is how to do that: Creating Links.

    And with items you find at Pinterest, you need to follow through to the actual webpage and link to that; here is how that works: Pinterest and Webpages. That page explains how there are several different ways to use Pinterest to get to the actual website.

    The way you did the link for the mermaid image looks great, and it goes to a webpage, so that is how you need to do the other links too! I hope that makes sense; let me know if you have any questions.

  2. Each storybooks seems very different from the others, so it seems like you got to experience a wide variety of storybook styles. They all seem very interesting and I'll probably explore them when I'm done with this comment! The one that I'm most interested in reading is "The Last of the Seapeople." There's something so enticing about the title. It makes you want to check out the story because you want to know why they are the last of the seapeople. I love a good mysterious story.
