Sunday, January 25, 2015

Reading Diary A: Bible Women: Hannah

I chose the story in the Biblical Traditions of Bible Women: Hannah because this was a story I have not heard of. There was a man named Elkanah who lived in Ramathaim-zophim who had two wives named Peninnah and Hannah. Even though they all worshiped the lord, Peninnah bore many children but Hannah had non. This left Hannah upset and depressed. To add onto her pain, Peninnah would rub it in her face that she had so many children. I think Peninnah was jealous because Elkanah loved Hannah more. After so much grief, Hannah prays to the lord and promises if she was able to give birth, she would raise the child to be a man of god. Eli, the priest, thinks she is drunk from her request but she stands her ground and tells him she is sincere. One day Hannah finally bore a child named Samuel. To fulfill her promise, she takes her son to be raised by persists at Shiloh and still goes and visits him. This story is about never loosing hope because the lord is always listening even when people don’t see it.

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