Sunday, January 25, 2015

Reading Diary B: Bible Women Bathsheba

I chose the story from Bible Women: Bathsheba because I really want to write a storytelling about it. I can vividly imagine this story because the main points of this story can be related in media like soap operas. A woman named Bathsheba was married to a man named Uriah who had been in war for more than a year. One afternoon, Bathsheba was bathing on top of her roof when the King David saw her. Because he found this woman exceptionally beautiful, he knew he had to have her. David had his servants bring the woman to his place and have an affair. After that, Bathsheba became pregnant. David tried to get Uriah back from war to stay at home with his wife so he could think that he was the father of the child rather than David. But Uriah did not want to go home and wanted to continue fighting. Because of this, David had to change his plans for the worst. He gave a letter to Uriah to give to Joab, the general of David’s army, which said to put Uriah on the front lines of a tough battle. He did as he was told and when the battle happened, Uriah died. Bathsheba was told the news and mourned for her husband and then she married David. 

1 comment:

  1. This was one of the stories that I read too. It was the most interesting to me because of the ending. Uriah was just trying to be a good person and ended up paying the price for it. Uriah is sent to carry the letter that led to his death. It is actually quite tragic that he unintentionally carried out his own death sentence.
