Monday, January 12, 2015

My Introduction

Hey you guys! My name is Renae Torres and I am a junior here at Oklahoma University. I chose my major to be psychology because I enjoy being there for others and helping them through their tough times. I went from wanting to be a counselor to wanting to work in a psychiatric hospital. But now I want to be either an art therapist or an occupational therapist. Some of my hobbies are drawing, painting, collecting crystals, yoga and recently I have been enjoying running. Sadly I haven't been drawing or painting too often but I usually draw people. When I get the time, I love practicing meditation and doing yoga during the day to keep myself awake and in a positive mindset. My favorite kind of movies are horror but I like to watch any type of movie. My favorite movie of all time is Sinister. Back in my home town in Texas, I have 4 dogs names Ziggy, Shilo, Wolfie and Camo and we also have 2 cats named Mickey and Spike. The oldest animals are my cats, they are 17, but they still play and run around like kittens. All of our pets were all rescue animals at the SPCA. I have recently wanted to buy a Pomeranian but my mother might not be too fond with that idea. During the winter break, I visited my Grandfather in Tennessee to help him take care of the 40 goats he raises to then sell to people. The rest of the time I was in Texas with my family and friends. Also I got an xbox one for Christmas so I mostly spent my days playing video games. This is surprising because I usually am not a gamer but I am hooked since I have have been playing the Evil Within. It is really amazing but very scary game.


  1. We have some similar interests. I too started out wanting to go into counseling like you. Just like you, I have decided to go into a different area of Psychology too. I think that art therapy would be a wonderful area for you to go into since you love to create paintings and drawings. I bet that your Yoga and meditation practices will help to keep your mind focused through your day as a therapist. Meditation is so calming and yoga does center you and gives you energy during your day. We also have another commonality...a love for pets.

  2. I agree with you, I also wanted to go into counseling when I first became a Psychology major. I think that's what a lot of people think the want to do when they become a Psychology major, but there is much more out there in the Psychology field, and I learned that once I got into my upper-division courses. So I can definitely relate to that. I definitely agree that gaming can be addictive. I once had a roommate who had an x-box and I missed it so much when I moved that I considered buying my own x-box with money I didn't have.

  3. Oh, what a coincidence: you are into yoga, and the English-word-from-India in the class announcements today was YOGA! Did you happen to see that? Announcements ... as you can imagine, yoga is a topic that comes up in the Indian Epics class, and it is very relevant to Myth-Folklore also, since India is part of this class too. There was a genius Storybook about yoga in Indian Epics last year that you might like; it connects the names of some of the poses to the Indian myths and legends that provide the names: IE Yoga Studios: Pose Origins Workshop ... so between yoga and Buddhism and animals, I hope you will find all kinds of stories that intrigue you this semester. Enjoy!!! :-)

  4. I love that you are a psych major so you can help people out with their problems. That's really admirable. Also, props to you for being an Xbox player! It's definitely a great way to relax and get away from reality for a while! I've been wanting to get into yoga also, I just haven't found the right place to go yet!

  5. Psychology is definitely a subject I have always been interested in. Although it is not my major, I have enjoyed all of the psychology classes I have taken in school. I'm glad to see that you are an animal lover as I am too! I have two dogs, named Sasha and Shelby, and I used to have a hedgehog! I think animals are very important in order to live a happy life!

  6. It sounds like psychology is sort of the educational/institutionalized way that you want to explore spiritual outlets. Do you think spiritualistic rituals will become a part of your treatment methods? That'd be so cool! Also, if you're into scary games, a goody-but-oldie is the Silent Hill series. In fact, it has been called one of the foundational works of modern survival horror video games... And I agree! I have the HD Collection of Silent Hill games and they're amazing!

  7. Hey Renae! You seem to have explored a ton of different career options for your major, and hopefully have now found the perfect option for you. I think meditation is fascinating, though personally I have never been able to master the art of turning off my mind, haha. I also enjoy horror films and will probably watch Sinister in the near future now. Can't wait to learn more about you over the course of the semester!

  8. Hi Renae! I'm glad that you have found something with psychology that you are excited to do! I know that sometimes it takes a long process of considering different options before choosing one that you will enjoy the most. But I think being an art therapist or occupational therapist would be great! I also love art, yoga and running. I think all three of those things allow me to clear my mind, which is why I love them so much! So it's great that you find joy in those things as well! It was great to "meet" you and I'm excited to read more of your work this semester!

  9. Hey Renae! It has been a hot second since the last time I saw you. I was happy to find out somebody I knew was taking this class too! I did not realize you had soooo many animals, and I am sure that all keep you really busy when you go home to see them. Since you got an xbox one, you should get the new Halo game (best gaming series ever)! It is cool you still want to do the art therapy career; I thought that was so fascinating last time we talk!
    P.S. we should all hang out soon (Abbey, Rachel, Christian.... etc)

  10. Renae, that's awesome you want to go into the field of psychology! I love it when people saying that, so I need to get overly excited about it! I am currently in the grad school application process to see if I can go to graduate school for school psychology and get my doctorate. It is also awesome that you enjoy watching horror movies. I tend to get a little freaked out watching them, so I can never watch the entire thing. But I always think it is so cool when people say it is their favorite movie genre.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hey, Renae! That’s so great you want to go into psychology to help people. I have quite a few friends who are psychology majors and they really love it which is so great. Also, sounds like you have lots of pets – that’s really neat. My parents have a dog at home, but they got her after I left for college so I don’t really get to see her that often. Anyways, have a great semester!

  13. Hey Renae!

    My major is psychology as well. I am also pre-physical therapy. My previous majors were biochemistry and biology but realized that they were not for me. I believe that changing my major to psychology has been the best choice I could have made for myself. I am currently taking abnormal psychology and it is probably one of my favorite courses I have taken so far.

    In my sophomore year, I took yoga and really enjoyed it. You seem like you are a yoga pro based on the amount of yoga you have done. Have you every thought about being a yoga instructor?

  14. Renae, that's awesome that you want to be some kind of therapist. Psychology sounds like it would be a really interesting and exciting major. I’ve never heard of an art therapist, but it seems like it would be a really cool job. I have a couple dogs and cats at home too. I wish I could bring some of them to Norman with me, but I think they would definitely be better off living with my parents.

  15. Hi Renae!

    Like you, I am a big dog person. I have three dogs back home, but sadly I do not have one here in Norman because I live in an apartment. I think dogs really help people in many different ways. They are supportive and loving always. I think it's awesome that you always save your dogs from the shelter. There are so many dogs that need homes! It's nice to meet you. I look forward to reading more of your stuff! Have a great day.

  16. Hello, Renae! It sounds like you had a pretty interesting winter break. It's so cool that you have a lot of pets because there are so many pets that I hope to own at some point, especially dogs. Right now I just have one cat named Sweetie. But one day I hope to have a Rottweiler, German Shepard, and a Siberian Husky. I'm also a psychology major, but I'm more interested in psychological experimentation. It takes a very strong, confident person to counsel or give therapy to people in need.

  17. Hey, Renae! It’s great to meet you. That’s so neat that you want to help people through your love for art – that’s a great way to combine interests. That’s also really fun that you have so many pets – I unfortunately just had one dog growing up for about two years, but it was really fun and I miss having a pet around.

  18. Yoga sounds really interesting! I play rugby and run quite a bit and admittedly I am terrible about stretching. I should probably consider looking into yoga or at least stretching better after my runs. It sounds like you are in a perfect fit major for you! I hope that your semester is going wonderfully and that you are enjoying all your classes!

  19. I enjoy playing a little Xbox One in my free time as well. I mostly just play sports games like Madden or NBA games but I play the occasional random video game too. I think its very cool that you are into drawing. I have always thought how cool it would be to be a great artist but I haven't spent the time for that time to happen! Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  20. Hi Renae, it is nice to meet you. I actually chose the same background as you did for your blog. That is great that you enjoy helping others, I do as well. It is a great feeling being able to be there for someone through a rough time. That is awesome that you practice mediation. I have heard great things about it. Good luck on the rest of your semester!

  21. Hello Renae,

    It is nice to hear about your background and passion. I must say that I can see how you like to help people by reading your week nine storytelling. You and I have a few things in common. I also have two puppies, Shih Tzus named Sasha and Roxi. I love them because they act like little spoiled grandmas. I like the layout of your blog also. It is very easy to navigate and easy on the eye.

  22. Cool! So much to talk about, but right now the one thing that stands out to me is that you collect crystals. That's awesome; my sister collects crystals too. All I can think of is in Breaking Bad when Hank collects minerals, but Marie calls them rocks, and it makes him so mad. I think it's hilarious. Sorry this comment is pretty irrelevant if you haven't seen Breaking Bad.

  23. Hello, Renae, it is nice to meet you! Being there for others and helping them through their tough times is very rewarding. Art therapy and occidental therapy both seem like really interesting fields. I have never meditated, but have wanted to try it for a while now. I have read so many things about how successful people meditate and want to give it a try.

  24. Renae, First off, I really like your site background. It is beautiful. Have you ever helped out in a psychiatric hospital? I have had several friends who went through nursing school and during their clinicals had to do put in a period of time in the psychiatric ward. They always had a few amusing stories but most seemed to really enjoy it although they found it very difficult.

  25. Hey Renae! It's nice to meet you! There are so many awesome opportunities out there for psych majors, but occupational therapy is definitely such an awesome path! I have a few friends that are in OT school right now at OU, and they absolutely love it! I love all of your dogs names; I'm sure you have a blast having all of your animals around all the time! I actually used to have a dog named Ziggy too. Best of luck to you as you finish out this semester, and more importantly your junior year!

  26. Hey Renae! I have to say, after the start of your introduction I was not anticipating you to say horror movies were your favorite genre of movie. I wouldn't normally associate that with art therapy or meditating haha. That's cool that you adopt all of your pets - my mom is a vet so all of our dogs are dogs that have gotten left at her clinic. It's definitely something special to be able to give those animals a home!
