Thursday, February 12, 2015

Essay: Jataka Tales (Babbitt)

Reading the unit over Jataka Tales(Babbitt) was very enjoyable for me because it was short stories with a lesson. I love reading stories that have something to take away from like an underlined meaning. It let’s me reflect on my life for a moment and remind me of simple morals we should all understand. I enjoyed the length of the stories as well because I have been unable to read really long stories this week since I have tons of assignments due. I really wanted to read The Life of Buddha but it was so long and I hate to only read half of his story. But I am glad I chose Jataka Tales to read because it gave me some more insight for my Storybook. I am writing a revenge story about a fox and wolf so reading stories about animals was very helpful. I was able to see the writing style of the stories and how the writer had the animals speak very minimal.
My favorite story from this unit would be The Foolish, Timid Rabbit. It reminded me of chicken little when the rabbit heard something fall behind him to cause him to jump to the conclusion that the earth was falling apart. He ran around yelling about how the earth was falling apart which caused all animals to follow him blindly. They all followed until the lion questioned the rabbit why he thought the earth was breaking up. The rabbit showed him where it started and the lion saw a a fallen coconut, which was the noise the rabbit had heard. I thought it was funny how all the animals just jumped in with the rabbit and thought the earth was falling apart. They had no idea why the rabbit was saying such things, they just agreed with him and joined him in telling all the animals that the world was breaking up. This story teaches the reader to not jump to conclusion without all the facts and don’t follow people blindly.
Lewis Carroll's White Rabbit illustrated by John Tenniel (1865)

1 comment:

  1. I like what you took away from The Foolish, Timid Rabbit. I think it is common for people these days to jump to conclusions without looking at all the facts. I see it everyday, especially on social media. Like on Twitter if someone dies, everyone believes it before actually checking to see if it is true. Or when a satirical article is posted on Facebook, when one person believes it and then other people believe the contents of the article when it is shared. Even just the other day, my friend was half watching the news and believed that there would be a bill to legalize marijuana in Oklahoma. And, so she is out telling everyone this, and people are likely not to check up on it, but just take her word for it.
