Sunday, February 1, 2015

Reading Diary A: The Secret Name of Ra

For this week I decided to read about Ancient Egypt because my grandmother used to tell me so many tales about the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Being that one of my favorite Gods is Ra from the story about the eye of Ra, I wanted to focus on The Secret Name of Ra. The story was about Ra, the most powerful God in Egypt, a goddess named Isis was jealous of that power. Ra goes by many names but there is one that was buried in his heart that continued all his power and if he ever told someone it then his power would be given to that person. Knowing this, Isis decided to create a venomous snake and make it invisible to both gods and humans. She set up the snake to bit Ra when he was walking with his companions. Once it bit him, his body went into shock and all crowded around him unsure of what happened since they saw nothing around them as they were walking. Isis came into the crowed and acted innocent to Ra and wanted to help. She said if he gave her his real name she would use that power to heal him. It took him forever to comply but he finally told her and she healed him but kept his powers. 


  1. Renae: It's pretty cool that your grandmother used to tell you stories about Ancient Egypt! When I was growing up, I had a book that talked about how the Egyptians would make paper from bamboo stalks, and I tried my hand at the trade. Sadly, it didn't work out too well, but at least it was a constructive activity!

    Anyhow, with your reading diary, I enjoyed hearing a bit about Ra. I wasn't familiar with this character from Egyptian folklore, but appreciated getting to learn a bit more.

    However, the rest of the post pretty much seems to be a summary of the story, instead of a critical reflection that you engaged in after your reading. Focusing on a specific theme might help you get even more out of the texts.

  2. That’s awesome that you found stories that related to those that your grandmother used to tell you. I like the trickster Isis even though technically she’s the “bad guy.” Do you know his different names? Do you know the name that contains all his power? I don’t have a lot of knowledge about ancient Egyptian tales. The unit you read sounded interesting. I’ll have to check it out.
