Monday, February 23, 2015

Reading Diary B:Stories from Congo

The second reading of the Stories from Congo unit had more animal stories, which I found fun to read. But I wish I had more information on the violence and sadness of these stories. I feel as though most of them are violent because some of them have at least one character killing a character or other characters. Also, there are stories that are sad. For example, in the story TheTurtle And The Man, the two lived together (man and turtle) and they lived in a village together. The man built a large trap for the both of them but the turtle claimed it was too big. So the man turned the first one into two and the turtle took the biggest trap. As the story progresses, the turtle ends up tricking different animals into doing him a favors for meat form the prey that collected in the traps. Once the animals got upset from the turtle going back on his word, they would try and attack the trap but then would get stuck and die. But the last animal who did a favor for the turtle, the leopard, tricked and killed the turtle. From my understanding of the story, I got a bit confused on some parts from the miss spellings, the man ran saw the leopard in the turtles house and when the leopard was questioned on the whereabouts the turtle, the leopard said he had killed him and the man was fine with it. Another story, The Three Brothers, was a sad and somewhat violent. A mother had triplets and decided she didn’t want them so she laid them on the grass and walked away. The children found a river and that river had a spirit that helped them make their own village and also gave them wives. After years, a man saw the three men in the forest then ran back to his wife in the town because they were the parents of the sons. But on their journey, the mom took a rest and when the men ran into her, they thought she was an intruder so they wanted to kill her. But the river told them to take the woman back to their village and take care of her since she was their mother.
Baby Turtle by John (2008).

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