Monday, February 16, 2015

Reading Diary B: Chinese Fairy Tales Unit

It is interesting to read the Chinese Fairy Tales Unit because all of them have the same kind of feel; they all focus on some sort of spiritual figure. I really enjoy the ones that deal with animals so of course when I saw the story titles Fox-Fire I got really excited and read that first. I wish the story was longer but it packed a good meaning. A farmer saw a weird sphere of light overhead and he decided to check it out. With no other human around, he snuck to what was causing this orb, which was a fire fox. The farmer knew it was an elixir of life so he grabbed it quickly and swallowed it. This angered the fox but knew the man was powerful now and went on his way. The farmer had many powers like invisibility, talking with spirits, helping people with soul loss and plead for people who had sinned. He got so many gifts and became rich from helping people with favors they would ask for him to do. Once he turned fifty, he retired from helping people and exercising his powers. So one night when he drank himself to sleep, the fox hit his back to get the orb back. The farmer woke up to the fox saying he had enough time to have wealth and fame so he took his orb back and ran off.  Another story I was drawn too from the title was The Talking Silver Fox which is about silver foxes who can talk like a man in years time and explained why the talking fox stopped showing itself to people.
A Silver Fox by Zefram (2006)

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