Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Storytelling: The White Butterflies

Once there were newlyweds that lived deep in a forest in Connecticut. They lived in a secluded house that was covered by high trees. The most peaceful part of the area was that there were always signs of woodland creatures: prancing deer, singing birds, hopping rabbits and hooting owls. After they were settled in their new home, they thought it would be the perfect place to raise a child.
            A year later, their baby Ashley was born. She was perfection in her parent’s eyes and they cherished every moment they could with her. Ashley’s childhood was full of adventure and laughter with her amazing parents. They would take her hiking around their house to animal watch and at night the family would get together for bonding time and play instruments or board games to connect with one another. But one day, it all changed.
            When Ashley turned twelve, she became a free spirited child.  It seemed like nothing could bring her down, until things turned for the worst. Ashley was in the middle of her English class when her grandmother released her from school. In a hurry, she took Ashley to a hospital in town and told her that her parents got into a severe car accident. Ashley’s heart dropped because she was so terrified. She had no idea if her parents were all right, if they had a few cuts or worse.
            Once they got into the hospital, they ran to the emergency wing and were told to wait. In tears, Ashley begged her grandmother and nurses to let her into the room but all they could tell her was to calm down and to wait until the two get out of surgery.
            Seconds turned into minutes, which then turned to hours until a nurse would update Ashley and her grandmother on her parents. With a hollow look, the nurse gave her condolences because Ashley’s parents passed away from blood loss. Ashley’s heart dropped and her blood turned cold. All she could do was stand there, staring at the nurse in disbelief. She then fell into her grandmother’s arms, crying hysterically.
            The entire week leading up to the funeral was terrible for Ashley. Due to the unfortunate events, she had to stay in her grandmother’s care. Because Ashley was so numb by the whole situation, she staid secluded in the guest room and rarely came out. The only incentive she had for leaving the room was to eat. Her grandmother tried to get her to get out and do something but Ashley would only refuse and lock the door.
Her whole life felt like it was over as she stood over her parent’s grave at the funeral. All she could do was cry and began to pray, “if you are here, parents, show yourself”. Suddenly, two white butterflies flew around her head and onto the coffin causing a swarm of emotions came over Ashley. She took a deep breath and smiled softly knowing that this was a sign of her parents telling her they were at peace and they wanted her to be happy. 
Cabbage white butterfly by Vera Buhl (2010).
Author's note: I used the story of The Jealous Father from the Native American Hero Tales Unit by Stith Thompson (1929). The story was about an old man who had two wives. The man was jealous of the son from one of the two wives and decided to rid of him by leaving him on a random island. His mother conjured up a walrus to save him by swimming him back to his island. But the father conjured up a storm and after the boy got dropped off at his island, the walrus was struck by the lightening. I liked the idea of the parents summoning upon creatures or weather to connect with their child so I decided to use that concept for my story.


  1. Oh gosh. Your story really got to me. I think scenarios where the soul is depicted through nature or other elements after one’s passing is really something emotional. Partially because I would love to think that something like that could actually happen and that we are still connected even after our time is done. You did a really good job explaining your changes as well!

  2. I like how you incorporated a major idea from the story unit into your own little story. It is nice to think that somehow parents or relatives can still show signs of how they are always there. Also, I thought you did a great job of invoking images in the reader's mind that Ashley had this perfect life and that it all ended. I'm glad that in the end it shows that Ashley knows everything will be all right in the end. Great job!

  3. Hey,

    Great story! I felt like I was watching a mini episode of Grey's Anatomy, which is one of my favorite television shows. Although, I do think that Grey's Anatomy has been on the air for one million years. The imagery from the story was powerful. I like your choice of words too. Keep up the great work Renae!
