Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Commenting Review Week

The feedback I have received from my peers has been very beneficial. I read the comments with an open mind and will re-read my work to see how I can change the text to make it better. When I receive comments and feedback from peers I immediately change it in my Storybook so I am able to see what other problems I have from the new comments. I appreciate the feedback so I am able to write a better story the next week. When I leave comments on other peoples stories, I focus on their context. Are they grasping in the reader, is there enough information, are the characters well defined, etc. I like to give enough feedback as I can, but in a nice way so they are able to take I what I am saying without getting upset. Luckily, this class has so many creative minds so I usually just comment about the grammar that they might have looked over or show how they could have structured a sentence differently.
Quote by Arthur C. Clarke

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Renae! I know what you mean about comments--they're very helpful, and I want to give people the same help they give me, but I am sometimes afraid that something I say will be taken the wrong way. I, too, usually change any problems people find in my stories as soon as I can to allow for new readers to see a revised (and hopefully improved) version, and to give myself the opportunity for more constructive criticism.
