Monday, March 23, 2015

Reading Diary A: The Coming of Men

The first unit of the Eskimo Folk Tales was a pleasant surprise. I feel like these stories are very random, like a weird dream or nightmare. With that said, I absolutely love it! It is so different and makes the reader use their wide range of imagination. For example, the story Makíte had different types of instances, people, creatures and powers that made me think of a dream. After Makíte ran away from his wife and her family because he was unable to catch seal like the wife’s brother, the family chased out after him. Once he outran them, however, he came across a weird house. What caused me to think it was a dream was because when he opened the door, there was a weird noise than a strange man who lived in the house. By sunrise, Makíte wanted to leave but the owner hunted him down. The way the story explains the visit at the house as well as the chase seemed very strange and almost terrifying. Thinking of a stranger with animal skins hanging from the ceiling and a creepy sounding house chasing after you is absolutely terrifying. The story just gets even crazier when Makíte stumbled upon a house of dwarfs that were waking a line inside and out of the house. This was interesting to picture for me because I saw a line of dwarfs circling inside then out the house in a line with cartoon music. The weirdest part is when something dark appeared in the west when Makíte joined the line. The dwarfs then attacked the darkness but not with weapons, but with dogs that summoned waves to drown the darkness. That was super crazy to imagine, causing me to think I would dream something weird like that. I loved how weird this and the other stories were.
Inuit Woman by Crisco (1907)

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