Monday, March 30, 2015

Reading Diary B: Alice in Wonderland

The more I continued to read the story of Alice in Wonderland the more I remembered how frustrating the story was. All of the characters are short in their answers, they always answer in questions and they make Alice look unintelligent. Firstly, Alice ran into the Mad Hatter, March Hare and the Dormouse in A Mad Tea-Party story. Alice sat down at the tea party that was only filled with chaos, frustration and time wasting riddles. After all the confusion and weirdness form all the characters, Alice left. But during the time she spent with the Mad Hatter, March hair and door mouse was more than what she thought. In their conversations, the Mad Hatter refers to time as a person and from then on, all Alice had known had been flipped upside down. For example, the Mad Hatter recited the “twinkle twinkle little star” song but he said it all wrong. Alice said that it wasn’t the right way but the Hatter didn’t pay mind to it and thought she was being stupid. They continued to treat Alice like that so she was finally so fed up. Later, she found the garden (in The Queen’s Croquet) of hearts in wonderland and found out how artificial all the rules as well as the garden was because the roses were painted red. It is within this story when Alice finds her true potential. But her newfound power got her into trouble and caused her to go to court ordered by the Queen of Hearts. After the court hearing, she woke up and it was all a dream.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Charles Robinson (1907)

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